Age Of Empires Conquerors Descargar
Age Of Empires Conquerors Descargar >>>
Focusing on legendary leaders, The Conquerors expansion pack challenges Age of Empires 2 veterans and novices alike to wage war on an epic scale with all-new civilizations, unique units and technologies, and campaigns based on infamous conquerors such as Attila the Hun, El Cid and Montezuma.
Age of Empires II es un juego de estrategia en tiempo real épico que no puede faltar en la colección de los amantes del género. Además, esta reedición ofrece la oportunidad de conocer todo el potencial de la saga a los jugadores más jóvenes y se puede descargar desde la propia página web de Softonic.
Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings is a strategy-based video game in which players build towns, gather essential resources, and create an army to fight opponents. Players follow a 1,000-year timeframe moving from one civilization to another by conquering rival empires and towns. As they win, they pass from one historical era to another, thereby gaining new technologies, structures, and units. However, players must pay in food or gold to gain resources as they go through each Age. The Steam and Windows-based game was released by Microsoft to universal acclaim and is still considered one of the best Age of Empire games. 1e1e36bf2d